Was Anya Peters a homeless person using technology to her advantage or just another con artist out to exploit people with her gimmick. Read the facts about Anya Peters and decide for yourself. New readers would be best advised to start at the beginning to acquant yourselves with the saga.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Despite only having an agent for a few weeks, moving into her new bedsit, unpacking, eating beans on toast and watching Big Brother, Anya has had time to finish her book.
That's right. It's finished !!
How do we know?
Because it's already being advertised on Amazon with the length of 320 pages being quoted (and apparently she's now a little girl !?!).
Surely even her most sycophantic followers that have been showering her with good wishes and hopes that life gets better for her can hardly fail to appreciate that it just is not possible to knock a book up in a couple of weeks.
It had to have been written already.
Which makes a mockery of the whole homeless element. The very basis for starting her blog in the first place.
Or was it?
There were some amongst us who thought it was all an exercise in getting a book published.
And lo and behold, it's true.
I wonder if the BBC will be singing her praises now when they realise that they have been duped into giving her the publicity she craved all along.

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How very true. This whole stunt sickens me.
What's complicated me ole mucka?
Anya is a liar, a benefit fraudster and a con woman.
If you need clarification then look through some of the posts on here.
eating toast dripping with butter and staring out at the early sky and down on the big horse chestnut tree, which stands like a guardian of the house at the end of the neighbours garden, swishing loudly in the slightest breeze.....
My god the fairy's are still firmly in the loonies head.....?
I think you English chaps could be doing with employing Anya in your football team as a counsellor. The dulcit tones and references to branches swishing in the wind might engender some composure among you bottling, insipid wannabes.... Acht well, there's always Murray at Wimbledon.
This is clearly a set up right from the start since it's obviously not possible for a homeless woman in the midst of a mental breakdown, and who can barely function, to be "found", negotiate a book deal including a bidding war, plan a full length memoir, finish it and start pre-publishing sales all in the space of a couple of months. Also bear in mind that "Anya" purported to be a wannabe novelist, what with her "supernatural romance set on a Scottish island" - not a memoir writer - so it's also very likely that the "Anya" character is not the person writing the book.
And the suggestion that she wrote her memoir in a public library or with a pen and paper whilst she was homeless is ludicrous - particularly as not a word is mentioned in the (now abandonded, ha ha) blog.
What surprises me (or maybe it doesn't) is that the BBC fell for it. Lazy journalism?
Making too many judgements people. When someone who has been down has an opportunity, if it is the right time for them, there is noone or nothing that can get in there way. I know I;ve been there, for most of time couldn't have crossed the road on my own, but at the end I was as low as you can go, only way was up then, and when my time came and luck changed I was out of there and unstoppable. Was never going back there. I don't imagine she's actually written her book yet but donlt underestimate the human spirit, having read her blog I recognise myself in her and know that she is going to get that book done if its the last thing she does. Anya's a survivor, that's obvious.
Mental breakdowns don't last forever its possible to build yourself up again, and seems to me that is what she was doing throughout the blog. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...
So if I'm reading Juno correctly, if someone has suffered in the past it's acceptable to pretend to be homeless to a)get a book deal and b)fleece stupid Americans?
Anya may be a survivor, but she's also a liar and a crook.
Who cares now?
Who cares?
Tell it to the yanks who are still prosecuting Saddam.
Ask them if we should just forget the illegal stuff that people have done.
Anya broke the law in claiming benefit when she wasn't entitled and continues to con people with the claptrap about her "homelessness".
Who cares?
We do.
God Bless England for caring !!
"Oh England, my Lionheart".
I just came to this blog an hour ago and there were 2 comments in support of Wanderingscribe, thrashing your pathetic arguments. Now you have obviously taken them down because they say she gave back Paypal not because was a con at all! But because seh is decent person and now she has some money of her own was the right thing to do. I quite liked the humour sometimes on this site but taken down comments that show teh holes in your argument is spineless. You have no argument and no spine my friend, and have now lost me probably your only ever reader. You'll just have to keep talking to yourself now. Oh dear.
Sorry matey.
Did you not read the bit on the front page that says "No Wanderingscribe Bullshit"?
I deleted the post because it repeated itself several times (I'm guessing your temple was throbbing as you wrote it) and I do not allow rants on this blog.
You claimed to work for the Benefits system but are unsure about how much someone can receive whilst on benefits and anyway, the benefit people would not care.
1. If indeed you do work for the benefits department then you must be crap at your job if you are not aware of the rules.
2. Raking in several thousand pounds would be of interest to the benefits fraud department.
You claim that Anya gave back all the money.
And we are to believe your word about that because .....?
You claim that Anya is related to Ian Urbina and that he carried out the interview to gain publicity for her book.
And your proof is ....?
I'll say it again for the hard of understanding.
Several attempts have been made to discredit this blog and the info on it, including "The Truro Connection", the "Refund of Paypal Donations" and this latest one that just goes on and on and on until even Mrs Doyle herself would be saying "Enough!".
If the truth is unpalatable to you then stay away.
I'm here to report the facts and that's what I'll do.
Go get yourself a life, mate.
When people respond with "get a life" you know they have lost their argument. It's the equivalent of the primary school reply of "well, you smell!"
The phenomenon here is that people need to believe in the Anya story, and are willing to invent all sorts of tenuous rationales for the holes in the story. Paid BTinternet account? Maybe BT gave her a free account because they felt sorry for her, or maybe she got the account before she was homeless and chose the name by coincidence. Free internet access in libraries at all hours? Maybe the LSE gave her a free account because they liked her. Free parking in a London hospital? Maybe the parking warden didn't ticket her because they liked her. Claiming benefits at a fake address but never had a jobseeker's interview? Maybe the DSS cut her some slack because, you know, they liked her. Mental breakdown, couldn't talk to anyone, shivering alone in a car but managed to negotiate book deal, finish a book, etc etc? Well, you know, people recover from mental breakdowns ALL THE TIME.
Easy to see how religions got started isn't it?
I'll tell it to the space aliens that visit me every day. With the angels.
Don't forget the trees.
They're your friends too,
Yes its all possible that it is real. Very possible, the more you think about it. I have had bt internet account for years. Divorced and haven't had own phone line for last year, switched to BT Anytime and the account stays open forever! (think if you opened one from scratch now you'd have to pay £1.50 per month or something, but if you have old account and transfer that to Pay as GO you pay nothing! unless you do it on a private phone line, ie at a friends, but nothing if you do it from a public library, internet cafe etc. Diddly squat!
I too use a hospital car park in London. It is not free, there is a machine, but no one ever comes! to put ticket on, ever!. And those who know that know it is one of London's best kept secrets. Infact reading blog I'm pretty sure its definitey the same one. Obviously I'm not going to say where it is becasue want to use it in future and so will others. The library thing is possible too. I think you are wrong here too. IMHO
Hey Anonymous,
What an amazing coincidence that your life so closely mirrors that of Anya. I am surprised that you did not bump into each other in the hospital car park that has such lax wardens. Funnily enough my best friend is a community doctor and also spends his life travelling around London's hospitals and parking in them. Perhaps you can tell us which hospital is so terribly bad with its parking, because he's never seen this phenomenon.
As for the BT address, how wonderful that you have a free account from this great British company. Did you too have a vision of the future when you chose your name, like Anya? Imagine, before she became homeless, she had a vision of a future....trees....fairies...angels...and a book deal! Yes! So before she became homeless she chose the name..wanderingscribe. Brillant.
But you can believe if you like, it's a free country (except for the car parking). Did you know I saw Anya walking on water once? Do you think there is something in that too?
What's the 'get a life' comment got to do with you anyway?
Might be worth getting yourself one, rather than spending your time fighting another's battles via the computer screen.
I may just start deleting any post by anyone posting as "anonymous" as they nearly always contain drivel and are mostly written by the brain dead followers of St Anya of The Laneways.
As such there will be no reasoning with them anyway and they only come here because their beloved leader can't be arsed reading their drivel on her site and so closed off the comments.
Why should we suffer their nonsensical outpourings here on this site just because she can't be arsed reading their tripe?
How very bizarre...
Looks like "she's" trying to cover up this blunder...
Not that "she" needs to work so hard, as "her" hardcore followers invent the most wonderful rationales for every single hole in her story.
They probably think the book was written by the angels in the laneway.
Sorry chaps, would love to agree with you, was more fun, but as it goes PAYG account is free! And with it you get 5 subsididary email accounts also free. Just checked with BT for my own purposes last week.
....oops pressed button too quickly!....So she wouldn't have had to choose Wanderingscribe name years ago. Just have one main account and you can create and delete the names of the other subsidiary accounts as often as you like. All free too!
It's another Anya Sicko-fant, still banging on about old news.
I would have deleted it (see rule 1) but someone has responded so I'll leave the post up.
Just remember to point and laugh at it as you scroll past.
What a shame none of these good people could wait and read the book to find out the appalling life Anya Peter's suffered as a child.
What depresssing, cynical mean spirits.
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