Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Has the drivel stopped?

Those of us that may have been hoping that the torrent of tedium had terminated were dismayed to find that, now that Anya has finally unpacked all her bin bags into her bedsit, her blog has a few extra posts of.. well, the usual mix of no info and tons of flowery waffle about nothing in particular. Springing back into life on Sunday, she whined a bit about someone impersonating her (I suspect she means wobblingscruffbag) and then gave a pathetic reason about why she had switched off comments. It was to stop someone impersonating her. Sorry love, run that one by me again! The comments had been moderated since May 6th and she managed to allow all the obsequies posts through whilst removing anything that cast the merest shadow of doubt about her endeavour to get a book deal. Once the book deal had been obtained however and she had found a bedsit, the comments were totally ignored. Even though the only ones that would have appeared would have been those in praise of her and her upturn in fortunes (and based on the previous track record of the sad individuals that thought of her as "one of the family" and "prayed for her", you can bet there would have been several hundred), not one comment was deemed worthy to be published. Perhaps Anya had got what she wanted from the blog and didn't need "the fans" anymore...... But still they wrote ....... Hurling their messages of devotion and everlasting love at Anya's comments box in the vain hope that they would be smiled upon and they'd be able to show to all the world that they hadn't given up. Tsk Tsk.. Such a nuisance for Anya who had better thing to do now (like make Beans on Toast and write about Trees some more). But still they wrote ....... So Anya changed the settings on her blog so that only Team Members could post comments. Except Anya was the only Team Member. Problem solved you'd think. Nobody was worthy to be in Anya's gang. Oh dear... That might be a bit of a PR faux pas when it comes to publishing time. So out came the lame excuse that the comments were turned off because of the "masquerader". That'll stop 'em. errr.. OK. On the plus side though, she won't be distracted anymore so she can turn her mighty intellect to book writing. But let's hope there's a ghost writer involved somewhere or they have decent spell checkers/Grammar checkers at HarperCollins. For someone who is supposedly well educated, the amount of errors creeping into the posts are appalling. Some of you may think I'm being picky but if you aspire to be a writer, surely you should be able to write. And proof read your work. There's no excuse for tardiness. I look forward to her book being reviewed by this site. But then again, Anya isn't that bothered about the little things like attention to detail. It's what has tripped her up time and again in her postings and it's what will be her undoing eventually when (if) she brings her tale to a wider audience. And I'll be right there behind her. I'll be the one saying "No no no, you don't wanna do it like that, you wanna do it like this!".


Wobblingscruffbag said...

I wish I had a jutting out kitchen to cook Beans in, rather than my simple, no need for embellishment, kitchen.
Oh how my beans would glisten in the sun,

wanderingScribe said...

Would a tree wave its branches over them to cool them if they were too hot?

Anonymous said...

What's she doing fannying about, opening and shutting drawers, eating toast and wandering around in her bare feet when she should be scribing her sodding book...

Once again no people in the blog - where have all the flatmates gone?

Anonymous said...

Of course there are no people, Anya is the centre of the universe. The blog is over, it's boring and she has nothing to say. Nothing about homelessness, nothing about anything apart from "I got up and cleaned my teeth and had some toast and Horlicks in my jutting out kitchen and looked at some trees and opened and closed some drawers". And obviously she had to mention a tree.


The book will be 800 pages of self-pitying drivel. At least "Harry Potter" has a plot.

wanderingScribe said...

‘Tis all true me hearties ! (yaaarrrrrr).
Now that there's no "hook" for people to feed off, the drivel is turning into banalities.

Do you think the same agent that signed Anya up is also responsible for Jade Goody?
And after that episode, she was told to hire someone more cleverer than Jade.
So she chose someone who now writes about opening drawers and what she had for breakfast.

Riveting !!

wanderingScribe said...

There may not be the button on her site but she (or to be more precise, her fans) still elude to the fact that you can still donate cash.
After all, you only need the email address, you know, the one you could only get with a landline and fixed abode details.

And of course, the alternative blog she set up to keep the cash rolling in is still up (http://paypal-donations.blogspot.com)

I should imagine that the donations have dried up for now though.
She has that big advance from HarperCollins to keep her in luxury accomodation and Toast, after all.

Anonymous said...

Someone commented on my blog using the name 'Wanderingscribe' and linked it to the wanderingscribe blog. The comment was abusive and clearly not written by Anya. Having an opinion is fine. Impersonating someone else to stir up trouble is cowardly and not very original.
Have retained my anonymity on this comment as don't want to encourage the nutter who impersonated Anya to leave any more daft comments on my blog!

Wobblingscruffbag said...

How can you be so sure it wasn't her? She's turned into a right nasty little cunt these days.

wanderingScribe said...

"Cowardly" is posting anything using the name anonymous too.
Are we therefore to assume that you are a coward?

This is a local blog for local people you know !!

But thanks for letting me know that someone was impersonaterizing me.

Should I shut down my comments to prevent it happening in the future?