Sunday, October 25, 2009

Playing Catch Up

Hello dearest followers of Fashion, As you can see, it's been a while since I blessed your eyeballs with more of my inane ramblings but that's because I have been busy lobbying my MP to reduce carbon emmissions by campaigning for Baked Beans to be taxed as a luxury item at 200% VAT. Naturally, as sales of my best selling book (have I mentioned lately my book what I wroted all by myself about my exciting times living in a car?) have been on a bit of a slide, I have had time to think about the poor people. People like you who adore and revere me but don't have anything worth blogging about in their own humdrum lives. Such as living in a car. And you know what I decided to do for you? I've decided to write occasionally in my blog about things. Now I know you are probably already falling to your knees in gratitude but there's no need. It's my calling in life. I really do feel that the gap left by the passing of Mother Theresa (that old bint who wore a tea towel round her head) has left a spiritual gap that can only be filled by someone who has known true hardship. The kind of hardship that involves living in a car. You see where I'm going with this?