Tuesday, June 13, 2006

More Wanderingscribe Crap

Although Anya Peters has now apparently ditched all her fans, some of the most dedicated sycophants still continue to defend her actions, including abandoning the blog that gained her the much sought after book deal, in the first place. As Anya has not deigned to answer (or even acknowledge) any queries as to her motives or reasons for posting such blatant lies, her loyal fans have rushed to defend her actions on various blogs Although the questions have been asked in an intelligent and non threatening manner, the answers recieved have been formulaic and even answered in Anyas' own style (of not actually providing an answer). Here's a few gems ................. Do not expect WS “to offer up any explanations”. She has more important things to do these days! Besides, why should she? Okie dokie. The "fans" that gave her the publicity she so brazenly craved deserve no recognition or respect at all. We can all live we that, can't we folks. After all, she didn't write the blog for self publicity. Oh wait ........ Spookily enough, no comments have been approved by Anya since she confessed to having got a place to stay. Could our "inside scoop" be close to the truth that Anya doesn't actually give a shit about all those that supported her, now that she has achieved the holy grail of the book deal? The question is asked "Likewise, how many of us have had the misfortune to go looking for a shower block in hospitals you can just walk into? Her sycophant fans answer "Why do you say, ”showers in wards” ? WS never said this! Umm.. I think someone is reading what they want to. Especially perplexing as they answer the (non asked) question about "showers in wards" (and I for one have never ever seen a shower in a ward) immediately after quoting the question. Must have been to the same School of Bullshit as Anya and expects readers to be of similar intellligence as themselves. Who ever said anything about WS using computers in internet cafes? WS never said that she has to pay for internet access. Ummm... Check out the post of February 12th where she says "checked website in cafe yesterday". So that would be your average greasy spoon cafe would it. Or perhaps an internet café. Where they charge for access to the internet. I could go on but to be honest, there's just pages and pages of bullshit from someone who is making up the answers to non existant questions themselves and has no insider scoop on the reasons behind the con. Anya herself has not answered so it's all conjecture and supposition on the part of her "fans". One must start to wonder whether Anya must be wishing they'd just shut the f@~# up as they are creating more problems that solving with their supposition and "answering by proxy". Piece by piece the fans unravel the web of deceipt without any help from us cynics......................


wanderingScribe said...

Don't beat yourself up.,
Those religious zealots won't listen to reason.

They believe in One God above all others and common sense has no place in their myopic little world.

Anonymous said...

I think they are already in hell. And their punishment for eternity is to defend the indefensible.

Again I need to point out that I regularly visit three hospitals and have still not figured out a way to access public showers because they don't even exist.

Ironically I was at a country park (which had a number of wooded areas and laneways) and they had a shower block. Go figure.

All that time she was sneaking into hospitals, being sniffed out by the immigrant cleaners (her inference not mine btw) when she could have been showering in her own laneway.


wanderingScribe said...

But where's the mystery and intrigue in showering in your very own laneway?
It wouldn't have made such a juicy story, would it.

And we can't have simple common sense and plain old facts getting in the way of the story now, could we............

wanderingScribe said...

Easy Lads, remember the wise words of one of her sicko-fans who said "How could you write about those things if you've never experienced them!"

So Anya probably has had a shower at a hospital.
Mebbe when she was seeing that therapist and they recommended a short stay for, errrr.. observation. :)
Hold the phone !!
Don't a high proportion of homeless people suffer from some form of mental illness?

See !! She has done her research after all !!

Or she's just another homeless nutter.
But without the homeless bit now.

Anonymous said...

There's also the question of how one can park for free at a London hospital, day after day, without being towed, and how you can claim benefits for months without ever having to attend any sort of interview, and where these public libraries with free internet access are in London, and how someone who is apparently so paranoid about talking to others about her situation can seek out publicity and interviews about it.