As the last post by Wanderingscribe was on 26th August (7 weeks and counting), one can only imagine where she has jetted off to this time.
Could it be "A Caribbean Cruise"? A jaunt over to the USA to catch up with her dear mother to inform her that her little girl finally got the book deal she's been hankering after all along? Or has Harper Collins finally got wise and clawed back what's left of the advance fee, thereby forcing Anya to give up her bedsit in London? Maybe the Hospital Car Park where she spent so many weeks and months parking "for free" have been reviewing their security camera footage and, now that Anya is of "fixed abode", have sent a backdated bill for the parking, thereby wiping out the remains of her book advance fee. It's all rather mysterious, wouldn't you agree?
Or perhaps the bottom has fallen out of the misery memoir market and Anya is no longer considered worthy of the attention she so desperately sought.
After all, the "Home Page" for Anya at Harper Collins hasn't been updated. Ever.
It even states that the title hasn't been decided (maybe someove over at Amazon could let 'em know).
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