Friday, June 16, 2006

The Critics Speak

Now that Anya has secured her book deal through subterfuge and downright lying, she'll have to face the beady eye of the critics. Not the fawning muppets who have been fooled into singing her praises via the comments section (until even Anya got sick of them and refused to moderate any more) but the real life ones. As the promosed book is still quite a way off, they have taken a sneaky peaky at Anya's work so far and viewed her blog. Oh dear .... The Book Trust posts info about books to be released in the near future and they have taken the time to posts some of the comments that viewers of the BBC article posted (presumably they were too busy to actually visit the Wanderingscribe blog or they just couldn't care). The comments ranged from "heartwarming" and "wonderful" to "totally not interested" and "this deal makes me sick". Meanwhile, over at The Friday Project they have taken the time to read the blog. Well, some of it as their stomachs weren't strong enouigh to face the sheer avalanche of peurile prose. They do seem to have a grasp of the subject matter though as they surmise that the blog was the resut of several factors:
  • Anya's miserable childhood (You are nothing these days if you didn't have one of those or were abused as a child (but I suspect the abuse bit will be saved for book two))
  • Her relationship problems.
  • Her financial problems.
  • Her mental breakdown.
Pssst Guys, you forgot the No. 1 reason which was her desire to get a book deal They continue "Wandering Scribe actually becomes quite exhausting to read after a bit, because of all the wonderment and beauty and deep thoughts. And prose that's straight out of the Self Help section of Waterstones". They even have a view of the comments posted by her sicko-fants: Sadly, even if you're a fairly sympathetic person, reading this glurge starts to turn you into Norman Tebbit. I wonder if her agent has pointed this out and that's the reason why no more sickly lovey dovey comments have been approved by Anya? Not to worry Anya Fans, as soon as she starts her promotion of the book, you can bet that those comments will be opened up to the faithful and the foolish once more. The Friday Project conclude by stating that they "think the book will be a roaring success - certainly amongst people who can only relate to the world through vague, solipsistic emotional rambling, online support networks, crap New Age poetry and self-help platitudes." Uh huh ... But once all of Anya's 40 or so Sicko-fants have bought the book, who will buy it then?


Anonymous said...

looks like folks are getting bored of you too! no comments...

Anonymous said...

except for that one! and this two!!

Anonymous said...

To be honest, there's not much more that can be said until someone comes up with a decent argument to prove Wandering Scribe is genuine, or she herself posts something more for the legion of fans (numbering a grand total of two) hanging about.

wanderingScribe said...

I shall keep the flame alive.

The angels stood at the bottom of my bed and told me to .................

Alien Spirit said...

Going by the comments that have made by many comments in their own blogs. people have by now sussed out the psyche behind this one.

Best thing for you to do is consult a shrink and sort yourself out.

Wobblingscruffbag said...

Still so desperate to defend the one you worship, even though you and all the rest have been deserted by her. Is this bravery? Loyalty?. I think not. I would say you were all deluded and disturbed individuals.

wanderingScribe said...

Going by the comments that have made by many comments in their own blogs.
Does that sentence make sense to anyone who has English as their first language?
Does anyone proof read their posts any more?

No wonder morons like this think that anya is a good writer if they use their own standards as a yardstick. *LOL*

But thanks for dropping by......

With anya totally ignoring you and your handful of sycophants, it must be terribly frustrating, knowing that no one is seeing your posts of undying love.
Fear not little fella cus you can always post here.
As long as you follow the rules, act like a big boy and don't throw the dummy out of the pram.
Otherwise your ass is grass.



Anonymous said...


Please be quiet! I have read your comments here and there and you keep jumping sides...

First 'cos she dissed your post as over-the-top and then you come here, "makes you want to vomit, donnit?" - not sure whether you really want to slate her or rate her... which is it?

I'm confused! I was against the bitching from the start, but turn-coat-bitching is even worse! 'Cos if everything was cool with you and Anya, ie you still at the top of the buddy list, you wouldn't be saying those things... You also need to look at yourself and probably get a Life - that's your own...


wanderingScribe said...

Easy now,
This is a place of peace and harmony.
Where fairies dance in the moonlight and the trees watch over us.

Perhaps in time, alien spirit will realise how foolish he /she has been but we welcome all on this site (subject to common decency and respect).

It is after all, The Lords Day today so I am feeling generous of spirit as I prepare to attend morning service.

Peace be with you all.


Anonymous said...

By God, WTFAY ?

Pardon my English...:)

Wobblingscruffbag said...

But then I suppose in a democracy you have to give any inconsequential idiot the vote/a Blogger account.

True, even when it's an anonymous nobody such as you.

wanderingScribe said...

If tosspots want to have a rant anonymously then they can expect to be treated with the contempt they deserve.

wanderingScribe said...

I think the anonymous numpty took issue with the fact that I dared to voice my views on anyas blog of lies.

Did he also complain about all the sickly sweet posts on her blog?
Or is it just criticism of anyhting at all to do with wanderingscribe that he doesn't like (sounds a lot like that alien spirit numpty).
Ahh well, as I said before, ranters get the bums rush so off he popped. :)


Anonymous said...

None of Anya "Misery Memoir" Peters' fans can answer the question of why someone who wanted to remain anonymous so no-one could contact them gave their name in an interview with an international newspaper.

Methinks that this is a clever marketing ploy for a book idea and there was no Wanderingscribe.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have completely changed my mind about real Wandering Scribe and I apologise to her and everyone else for everything I have said so far. I have re-read her blog and realise that I was wrong to spread lies about her and make fun of the way she has been living the past year.

When I'm wrong I don't mind admitting it, and I was.

Sincere apologies.....

badgerdaddy said...

Hold on, you haven't explained how you discovered you were wrong. Explain, dammit!

Anonymous said...

because it's alien spirit, so dumb he forgets wanderingego posts under the name wanderingscribe.
The boy obviously failed reading comprehension at school, what can you do? I blame the government.

Anonymous said...

Now that we’ve reached the bottom of the well let’s draw some water…

First of all, you can’t blame people for being curious…if some spirits tried to spot several holes I guess that can be explained with the third law and the void stuff! ;)

In a boring day, one can’t help going after a pink-eyed rabbit…LOLL

And I am a very curious girl!...

wanderingScribe said...

Spirits spotting holes?
This isn't some psychic porno site you know.
It's a serious forum for informed and intellectual conversation on the muppet of the laneways.

And as for nincompoops supposedly posting as me, well that's just silly. As has been pointed out, if he/she/it can't work out a simple name then there's no hope (but what do you expect from anya's fathful devotees).
English really isn't their strong point.
Nor Grammar.
Nor comprehension.
Nor taste
Nor soup (whoops, that was a malaproprism, look it up anya fans)



badgerdaddy said...

That would make me a total fuckwit for not spotting it then...

Ho hum.

wanderingScribe said...

Not to worry matey, with lies, counter-lies, identities, counter-identies, counter-counter-identities, it's hard to know who's who and what's what these days.

I'm not even sure who I am !
Hang on, I'll check the name tag in my underpants.

Well I never !
I'm St Michael !!

I realised my socks were a bit holy but I never made that connection.



Anonymous said...

Hmmm…Fool so up!... The colour doesn’t match the ingredients…
Leaves of Whit in black and white…Mushy!!...I should be more careful when chasing rabbits!...

PS. Some nice words we’ve learned today!!!... :)

Anonymous said...

Dear WS,

I'm impressed with you!
You've spoken so wormly!...

wanderingScribe said...

It's my duty to educate as well as entertain.

Wobblingscruffbag said...

I doubt the two previous posters were ever educated.

Anonymous said...

Underpants!!? Are you going for the Full Monty?
That’s good news…
You’re a real dragon!!!...

wanderingScribe said...

I'll have you know I am definitely not Welsh.
How dare you.
How very dare you.
I am English through and through !!

God Save The Queen.
Rule Brittania.

Come on Inger-land !!

Wobblingscruffbag said...

Death to America!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the new statesman weren't particularly impressed by Wandering scribe..can't seem to find her on the list of finalists in the new media awards anywhere!

wanderingScribe said...

Is anyone surprised?

One of her sicko-fants nominated her in teh blind belief that she had some talent and once she was up against anyone that could compose a sentence without the use of a self help book on art and literature she didn't stand a chance.

This combined with the slating that her blog was given by the "The Friday Project" means that folks who deal with real artists in the real world are backing up the view expressed by this site all along.

Her style is non existant and she's on a hiding to nothing.

Let's hope that HarperCollins have a clawback clause in the contract so they can get back the advance that anya used to rent her bedsit when the book (if it ever materialises) bombs.

