Thursday, May 18, 2006

Respect my privacy

Once her blog is up and running it's time for a bit of self publicity, errr, I mean introspective examining of her feelings. So off she pops to (an online writing centre) where she posts the following in the Workshop section. Hello all, I am homeless, living in my car in the woods and don't know what to do to get out of it. Am in a rut, days reduced to survival. I started a blog last month about it ... am reaching out anonymously to a new online community. Feels like family. Wondered if anyone would be interested in reading it. Awww..... Roll up roll up, come and read my blog !! Sure sounds like she has her priorities right, eh ! Job? - Nope. House? - Nope. Blog advertised at a forum specifically for writers? - Bingo !

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