Of course, if you can't afford that hefty sum then you can always pick up a second hand copy from £6.50 from the very same site.
I'm still waiting for Poundland to get their stock in though.
Should be any day now at the rate that they are discounting it.
You were such a cute child!!! By then you already had that intelligent look in your eyes...and the intuitive knowledge that one day your life purpose would have such an extraordinary dimension...maybe that's why you were crying??...or just a difficult tooth coming out.
I think my heart would stop too, in case I came across Anya's book.
Sacré bleu...
In the business of ghost writing is it possible to hire Shakespeare?
Don't see why not.
After all, the BBC managed to find him to star in an episode of Dr Who !!
Time Lordy Hugssssss....
Anya Peters
(I've wroted a book, me)
I came to the conclusion that Anya is from outer space. Because on the day her book was published she used her blog to advertise a different book.
She even gave the impression that her book wasn't good for the heart!
With all the work you had to promote her book...
I'm sure she has anthenas...
It's a thankless task I do.
I was hoping for a share of the advance but she blew it all on holidays and renting some grotty bedsit.
Here's hoping she divvy's up the royalties on a 50/50 basis.
I could do with 4 cans of Tennants.
Huuuggsshhh cush your my besht mate...
Anya Peters OBE
Actually, Amazon price is £7.79 and not £6.99 as you claim. But what the heck! You have always been a liar!
And being a useless moron that you are, you won't know anything about the Amazon strategy of price cutting; would you?
Hi Jade,
Thanks for proving what a numpty you are.
Did you actually clicky clicky on the "Amazon" link I supplied?
I did and it takes me to a page where it clearly shows £6.99 (as I stated).
I feel sorry for plonkas like you who can't work t'internet (and this isn't the first time you have intimated that I tell porkies but have been proved wrong by hard evidence).
Don't give up the day job.
Oh, that's right.
You don't have one since your racism was aired on TV.
Great Big Asian Hugssss........
Anya Peters (Check out my book what I are wroted)
What do you mean you wrote it?
This is such a modern world...ghosts write...ghosts claim their rights...I thought ghosts were only meant to
be...ghosts??? I thought that was their job...
In this Multi-faceted world we live in I fear even ghosts have rights.
They too can be multi-functional and death is no barrier to them leading successful lives and writing works of fiction based on random events they create from their imaginations.
Shame on you for being so "un-pc" !!
I don't think I have offended any ghosts because none has complained at my door and I think they would find it easy to do without the travelling limitations...But I'll bear in mind not to have that sort of prejudices in the future...
Hugs in ghost's way.
I've just checked my complaints list and no ghosts have signed in...Phew...Just a rare living intelligence has presented its complains...
What a load of rubbish. Aren't you going to review Andrew Croft's masterpiece on Amazon, WS?
This book isn't presented on Andrew Croft's list of ghosted books.
WanderingScribe has got a cold and spoke on the radio...
Some people could hear the interviewer snoring during the interview...He apologized for that..WanderingScribe thought he was apologizing for something else...
Yours is not such a difficult job after all...:)
The studios were shady, dim and foggy but still the journalist was a bit suspicious about wanderingscribe's two-day beard...
Feel free to hire me....
The explanation given for the umbrella in front of Anya was a leak in the roof...
She still carries her own book in her purse. She likes to think of it as a lucky charm...before that she brought her lucky chair with her. That's why priests didn't want her in the chapel, because she made the most awful noise with it...
WanderingScribe EXPLAINED...in a few months in a bookshop near you...
Sadly I missed the broadcast.
Well, it was on local radio and as I don't live within 50 yards of the studio I am obviously out of range.
I would have thought the publicity would be all over the news etc. but it's spookily quiet.....
Hush Puppy Hugsssss..
Wanderingscribe (Who's my Daddy?)
That's a VERY local radio!!! Maybe it's the one playing on the backyard??
It's funny, I'm in a totally different country and I can hear the BBC London Local Radios...
Have you tried the Internet?...
The internet?
Never heard of it, mate.
Tolpuddle Hugsss......
Anya Peters (Did you know I are wroted a book what are been published?)
not quite sure about some of these comments but just finished your book, what a read thank you for the insight into an inspiring story. i dont have much but i feel richer than i did when i finished the book. you are a very brave and incredible lady. x love to you
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