For she has deined to post once more. Tellingly though, with so much time on her hands and no more illusions of being a proper writer, the style and substance of Anya's posts have reverted back to a single block of text with no formatting and no style to break it up into manageable chunks. Am I being a liitle unkind, highlighting style over substance over content?
Come come, dear reader, that's all her blog has been for some considerable time.
And let's not forget the stated purpose of the blog as defined by Anya herself. It was to act as a kind of personal diary, to come to terms with her lifestyle and how she had gotten there.
Oooooo... K.
Nothing to do at all with self promotion in search of a book deal then.
Take my hand and come with me on a small but significant journey as we review some of the most recent posts in this soul searching tale of one woman's brave struggle to tell the world of her innermost feelings ....
Thursday, May 17 was terrifying how easy it was to fall off the radar and into that spiral downwards, how it all happened so quickly, as you'll see if you read the book....
Tuesday, May 08
I came into London today to talk ... about my book.
My book is out today.
Monday, April 30
I found myself in Waterstones looking for a book. Not mine...
Saturday, April 21
The thing I've been trying to avoid thinking about is the book...
Sunday, February 11
The book is entirely out of my hands now.....
Sunday, January 21
I can't believe I've actually written a book.....
I'm glad that's all cleared up then.
The blog was a chance for Anya to open up and bare her soul to others who may find themselves in her position and was in no way an exercise in self promotion in order to advertise her book.Stop sniggering at the back ......
Congratulations on your first anniversary!!!
Thank you....
And thanks to wanderingscribe for being your inspiration :)
Blimey !
I never realsied it was my anniversary.
Congratulations to me for keeping teh world informed about this con artist for over a year.
Do I get a medal or something?
Preferably a choccy one.
Anniversarial (?) Hugssss.....
Anya O'Peterson
(I've wroted a book ya know!)
She's back posting again and complaining about people not believing her reality. She also claims she can write!
Hey! Can I press a PayPal button and send WS a bundle of cash. She is our inspiration for getting up in the morning.
The Stella Boys
Unfortnately you can't send her any more dosh as she is rolling in it at the moment.
Her paypal site (set up to quietly allow donations whislt keeping the main site "clean") is still up at and she uses this to test picture posting to advertise her book etc.
As usual with an Anya site, there is no real news there, just ads ..........
Keeping the faith hugnessss.....
Anya Peters
(Read my book wot I are wroted all by myself wif no help from my mate Andy)
Is Anya causing you dreams of nightmares?
No Sir.
I sleep soundly in my feather down bed accompanied by 17 vestal virgns each night.
Tis the sleep of the pure at heart !
Feathery white hugsssss.....
Quenn Anya Peters
(Don't forget to check out my book wot I wroted. Available in all good doctors waiting rooms)
Such a crowd...
I won't question your reality because I've learned you share that reluctance with anya...But I could say that is the picture hanging over the bed...
I'm afraid I haven't the mental stamina to read anya's book. Maybe I could try and do some diagonal reading...
The picture hanging over my bed is the classic one of a Tennis Lady scratching her bare bum.
I'm a Connoisseur of fine art.
Tasteful Hugssssss..........
Anya McPeterson
Hoots Mon, read ma book the noo !!
A classic indeed...
There's something wrong with the comments time!
Not now...I'm feeling like wanderingscribe, I still don't believe she wrote such a book. And I haven't seen it, so, it may even not exist...
I am a disciple of Solipsism myself.
In fact, the only one !!
Solipsistic Hugsssss.........
Anya Peters
(The One True Being)
I don't think a hug is a very solipsistic thing...
Or maybe is just an obsession with making sure that there's something out there :)
This was posted February 9th 2006:
"(I quite early discovered that in a nearby hospital, whose free car park I often use during the day...)"
Now, forgive me for what I'm about to say, but in Smiths today I saw The Book, and leafed through it. No mention of her ghost writer, and frankly the writing is so poor that I'd imagine he disassociated himself from it... but I digress.
On page 281, she tells the heartwarming tale of the Portugese traffic warden who, as he hands her a ticket, tells her of a hospital carpark where he can't go and where the wardens are less diligent. So she does, stating that for the first weeks she paid to park there but after that... wait, let's back up. Paid to park ? In a car park she described as free last year ? Liars golden rule #1 - be consistant.
How does it end? I'm sure you read the last pages...
She gets a book deal.
She's talking out of her arse. Of course, traffic wardens are always telling people about the secret places that they don't check...who believes this crapola?
Sorry Andrew,
We'd like to forgive you but even leafing through the book is a non-pardonable crime.
Had your ancestors done so then you'd now be speaking with an Ozzie accent !!
Bonza hugsssss.......
Anya Peters
Is decenter an english adjective?
Wanderingscribe is using that word in her last post...I'm not questioning her reality, really, just some words...:)
Decent hugs...
Correct useage is "more decent"
Shouldn't a writer know that?
The most decent hug...
Life is not easy for our dearest wanderingscribe.
First of all, she knows nothing about adjectives, secondly, people always behave in the wrong way. I'll explain : When she wanted people to believe she had a home they thought she was homeless, now that she wants people to believe she has been homeless people don't believe it...
Hugely stressful...
What do you think the chances are of buying the holy ones Rover....? I would treat it as a shrine... or sniff the seats.
Moist hugs x
Captain J O Kitchen (retired)
Surely she'll need the Rover for her upcoming World Tour.
Then again, with no sign of a job after so many months, the advance money can only last so long so she may start flogging off her possessions.
Or start storing them in some abandoned Cornish Tin Mine (or somewhere equally quaint) in preparation for life on the road; a prequel to Book Two !!
Mr Shifter stylee Hugsss.....
Wandering Peters
You hum it son, I'll play it.
I have to inform you that Anya is not a liar, she does have some memory problems, that's it...
Why do you have to inform us?
Did the voices in your head tell you to?
Or was it Anya herself?
Either way you're a pillock.
Anonymous Hugssssss........
Agent Anya
wow your all so cruel!
Some people do go through things like this and I for one believe her who in their right mind would right such twisted and sick things???????
I give a huge hug to the lady..........
Who indeed would "right" such a fairy story.
Perhaps someone looking for a book deal.........
Wandering Anya
Buy my book to save me getting a real job !!
Your story is amazing. Ignore the negative comments you are receiving. Hold your head up high and feel pity for those who are ignorant.
Cheers chuck.
I bloomin' well will !!!!
Confused Hugness.....
Anya Peters>
i cant believe people are posting things like this if something good has come out of her bad past then congraulations to her i believe that if this is the way people look at things like this then this is why it happens
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