Was Anya Peters a homeless person using technology to her advantage or just another con artist out to exploit people with her gimmick. Read the facts about Anya Peters and decide for yourself. New readers would be best advised to start at the beginning to acquant yourselves with the saga.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Reaching out for help ....
As the latest site to fall victim to the con job being perpetrated by Anya Peters, World Vision includes a couple of recorded interviews ( a 2 minute "taster" and an in depth one of 5 minutes) where our heroine of the Laneways once again peddles the bullshit that has made her a celebrity in her own mind.
I wasn't really sure if it was indeed our very own Laneway loser as the presenter keeps referring to her as "Onya" but how many homeless people can there be living in their cars in London?
Actually, probably loads if it's a proven method to get a book deal.
So.... cue the interview and straight away, the presenter makes a point that "Onya" is calling from a London payphone (no doubt to highlight the "pity me" aspect).
Hang on a mo .....
Surely those tight wads at Harper Collins would have let her use the phone for 5 minutes.
Especially as this would count as promotional work !!
Mind you, it wouldn't have quite the same ring to it.
"Here's "Onya" ringing from her publishers office about her forthcoming book .........."
The presenter makes all the right cooing noises and feeds "Onya" her cues and our little trooper starts tugging at our heart strings with how she read about this person who had a blog (no mention that he got a book deal through it which "Onya" has admitted made her feel jealous) and how she then used her blog as a "cry for help".
Hold The Phone !!
I may be mistaken but weren't many offers of help made?
(You can check 'em out yourself by trawling through the older comments on her site before they too are deleted (to help the story flow better))
Contact points for charities.
Personal offers of help.
On and on they flowed.
But all were rejected by "Onya".
Until that glorious day when the offer of help from a literary agent was made.
Hallelujah !!
That was more like it !
That's what she was waiting for.
Sadly, the presenter doesn't go into this but instead asks "Onya" if she could perhaps read a passage from her blog.
Don't be silly love.
This poor ex-homeless woman is calling in from a payphone.
Do you think she would have a printed copy of her blog to hand?
Actually she does!
Sacré Bleu !!
Either that, or a laptop with wifi access so she can instantly call up her site.
So off "Onya" goes, enthralling the listeners with an excerpt from February (one of the earliest entries).
Now she might be reading from her soon to be published manuscript as the quote doesn't exactly match up with what appears on the blog.
Was she quoting from memory?
Could be as there have only been 69 posts in total since that first one in February.
We then learn that Harper Collins asked her to write about her experiences.
Strangely "Onya" forgets to mention the actual version which is that her new found agent apparently whipped up interest in her experiences before supposedly getting a bidding war going for the story which Harper Collins won.
Umm.. your experiences as a homeless bum?
Funny that, because the book that they are touting doesn't seems to concentrate on the homeless aspect too much but instead on how she "overcame her traumatic childhood and adult homelessness to find a place she could call home".
So that would be a London Bedsit, would it?
The drivel continues ..........

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Thank God nowadays there are shorter versions for everything!
Whilst the five minute interview would be probably too much to endure the two minute is bearable.
I like the phone box picture but I can't see Onya in there!!
Maybe she went to the loo right at the moment you were preparing to take the picture.
Old habits die hard..........
Oddly enough that phone box is at the exact centre of England.
I'm reaching out through this blog .....
It's a cry for help ......
"Help me become rich and famous!" I cry but still no literary agent hears my plea ....
Oh woe is me.....
I'm off to read up on some angst riddled poetry to hone my art.
Perhaps I shall buy a car too ......
Screaming for help (but only from the right kind of professionals) hugs .....
Onya Petrovski
I have just spent the last half an hour rubbing my hands together in glee! I saw right through the con from day one, even wrote a few phony sympathy comments to invoke a reaction (none came).
However, I lost the trail when there were no more blogs posted by this uber-scammer. Now I've found this and am relishing every delicious moment of it! Well done. I hope she regularly visits and has a little read.
I'll be disappointed if I don't get a Krimbo card from her.
Or Harper Collins at the very least !!
Ho Ho Hugssss.......
All of us would like to send you a Krimbo card!!! If only we knew where we could find you........
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