My mailbox had been inundated with literally one's of emails asking why there have been no updates recently.
Well dear readers, the simple fact is that, since Anya is swaning about spending all her book advance cash, she can't be arsed to post anything.
As this blog exists merely to balance the bullshit that she posts, I myself have little to post on the subject.
Oh sure, I could go on about what muppets the Glasgow terrorists were in not checking how wide apart the security barriers are before they decided to try and drive a vehicle through them (after all, it's not brain surgery!! HANG ON, one of them WAS a brain surgeon!!) or how Kate and Gerry McCann have made nearly a million quid from their disgraceful act of leaving their 3 children in an unlocked apartment in a foreign land but that would be digressing from our raison d'etre !!
To highlight the fact that Anya Peters is a con artist with a self serving interest in getting a book published.
So once again, another month passes with no news.
Well, except for the fact that Anya has taken to ego surfing to see just how famous she is and the best she could come up with is some obscure post on a foreign newspaper website.
Ahh well, never one to miss a chance at laughing at homeless people (now that she herself is the proud renter of a London Bedsit) she merrily chuckles at the picture of a genuine homeless person on the site.
Good on ya Anya.
Show the public what you are really like......
Such a clown!!! :)
I'm sure it means something on your ward.
Care in the Community Hugsssss....
Anya Peters
EgoSurfing is quite surprising indeed! I found a wanderingscribe who is looking for a longtime partner and who hopes to obtain a publishing deal!! maybe he and your wanderingscribe could get in touch!! This seems prophetic!!
The name in itself is weird, the two having the same dream is spooky, what more could go wrong? :)
It's nice to "see" david from istanbul!...Such an helpful person!
Can I apply ? I dislike anya's peeing habits but maybe by now she has learned to use the bathroom again. I would say that on the whole she seems an interesting lady. I can't read more than 10 lines of her posts but I'm not sure if that's my fault. I think we could be so happy together...
I am well mannered unlike this wanderingego that uses bad language....
< Father Jack Mode >ARSE !!< /Father Jack Mode >
I'm off out for a quick Tapas...
Don't blame ya mate.
After all, you've got to spend that million quid on something if it's not Private Detectives .........
Investigative Hugssss.......
Anya McCann-Peters
Oh sod it Jerry... face it. She's six feet under. Fancy a pint on the terrace?
What news of the marvelous one..? Has it all been a whirlwind of superlatives..? Or has it all gone to buggery...? We demand answers...
The pissing elf
Fear not my little Urchins.
I have been busy looking for Madeleine lately (no sign of the pesky bugger) but I do manage to pop in from time to time to see how things are going.
I see they are going as slowly as Anya's book sales.
Say Lavvy !!
Toodley Pip.
Anya Peters.
Apparently, 'the book' got marketed in the US and is getting a re-print to meet the demand.
Well! Well!
Do you have a verifiable source for this scandalous gossip? :)
Mind you, the yanks are so brain dead Sheep Led that they'll believe any old tosh.
Transatlantic Hugssss........
Anya "Hank" Peters
Bonjour poppets,
Sadly I have had to delete numerous posts from deluded delinquents who are probably supporting the McCanns as they struggle for their fight to clear their names after killing their daughter.
This loss to the great World Wide Interwebnet thingy would probably be overlooked though as the GASP SHOCK HORROR News is that Wanderingscribe has updated her blog !!
Only kidding.
She took the money and ran (as yours truly predicted) and has not updated her blog in 4 months now.
But the good news is that I am having my annual Halloween Barbie this Saturday with over half a meg of Lasers and a smoke machine capable of producing 16,000 cubic feet of smoke per minute.
Be there or be .. errr.. missing.
Everyone on the entire planet is invited so boogie on down to Wanderingego Towers from 18:30 onwards (just jump a Black Cab and give 'em my name).
Until the next time ......
Farewell Chaps and Chapesses .......
Anya Peters
Where was ya?
I'm happy to report that my Halloween Barbie was a smashing success and the many hordes who attended thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Sadly though my many hours of DMX programming to produce a Laser Show par excellence were wasted as most folks preferred to crowd around the fire pit that I had installed in the grounds.
Ahh well.....
I carefully checked the guest book in the main foyer afterwards but there was no entry from Maddy McCann.
I'll keep looking though.
Oodles of Toodles ......
Anya Peters
I read the story in the readers digest and decided to visit her bog site for more. it is a true story of someone who has the will to survive. I am currently on the verge of losing my job,but the situation in South africa here is different from that of Britain. i admire your courage, but what baffles me is how you were able to fuel your car for nine gruesome months when you dont have a cent. Please I need your advise on survival strategy. I will very much appreciate how to develop a strong will and never give up
Can you please tell me where you were shitting for nine months or were you eating processed food that do not have...? you sure inspire me.If I may ask, where are you from? Anya sounds Naijaish.
Dear Anya, there seems to be a number of people interested in anything and everything but who you are. For reasons i dont wish to explain i admire you. You have inspired me to get real with my own life and i have only one thing to say, "THANK YOU". You have become a hero to people like me who dont have the courage like you.
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