- Daddy quoting poetry under apple trees.
- Sharing a snack with Daddy at the seaside.
- Clattering around narrow bumpy roads in a horse and trap with Daddy.

Was Anya Peters a homeless person using technology to her advantage or just another con artist out to exploit people with her gimmick. Read the facts about Anya Peters and decide for yourself. New readers would be best advised to start at the beginning to acquant yourselves with the saga.
I read her blog post and it's mainly waffle.
Can't believe someone thought she was good enough to write a book.
I feel another Book Cover coming on........
Hugs and clippy cloppy pony claptrap.
Anya Peters
I was personally very moved by the way in which Anya's father recited the exact same poem that Anya mentioned earlier in her blog! I thought that was amazing, what a wonderfully empowering coincidence, and not IN ANY WAY made up for effect.
Also, I thought she didn't have any friends or family? Turns out she has both.
How about "Abandoned: The True Story of A Little Girl Who Had A Trust Fund"?
Fuck a duck... whats the gormless plank up to now.....?
Has she gone totally bananas?
Exclusive! Photo of the mad father...!
The length of the post shows she has got her inspiration back...I have to take three deep breaths before being able to start. So many words......
She wasn't in Ireland. Too many inconsistances. Sadly the daft old cunt is pulling our pissers again.
I was wondering just how cold it gets in Ireland (as poor Anya had to wrap herself in Towels in her hotel room, mainly for dramatic effect).
The BBC site (http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/ukweather/year_review/reviews/july2006_review_nireland.shtml) reckons it was the warmest July since 1955.
Not surprising really as Ireland is only 90 odd miles away.
Yet another fact to add to Anya's Big Book of Fairy Tales.
Hyperthermic Hugsssss .......
Anya Peters
The strange thing is that in so many months nobody seemed to notice her absence. That's sad! I would miss you deleting my comments and we're not even related.
The father just keeps reciting the same poems, it's just one in fact! The mother went away. The friend didn't ask where she had been!...
She's always eating apples! this story is so full of contents, and so colourfully enriched....
I live to serve my viewing public.
Apart from the morons who post "clever" shite.
They can go boil their heads.
Head boiling hugsssssss.............
Ms Anya Peters
She eats apples because she used to live in a forest (or so I read on a blog).
I also read that she eats out of cans.
Do you think there is another Wanderingscribe out there?
A real feral one?
There's only one original and you are at her blog already.
Hugggssssss and ID Card Flashing ......
Anya Peters
Apple trees in forests?!
Thanks for the tip...
It must be true cus I read it on the internet at http://www.maharetsbrood.net/2006/05/wanderingscribe.html
Mind you, the author did state that they hadn't read her whole blog (and who can blame the poor soul) so quite where they got the image of a feral Wanderingscribe, eking out an existence as a type of human rat, who knows....
But then again, the number of people who have actually read all of Wanderingscribes posts are a die hard breed so you can't blame the poor bugger.
I myself needed several months of intense counselling after reading the brain rotting claptrap in its entirety.
Luckily I am all cured now and continue to dress in my cape and mask of "WANDERINGSCRIBE MAN" as I type my entries ......
Hugsssss and Up Up and Aways ........
Anya Peters.
I can assure you that this is a good technique, the one used by Anya, most policians use it too...By the time they reach the middle of the speech everyone has been induced into a deep sleep and that's when they will tell what they really intend to do. By then no one is listening anymore........And they can go on for hours (months, years) discussing a subject, without saying anything about it. Reminds me someone that we know............
Hmmmmm!...No wandering off subject allowed. And no questioning the questioner.....
I have a question! :) Why do you dedicate your life to a lie (believing in your own words)?
You are somehow a little evasive...
You could turn the comments OFF, you know........
Unless you're a control freak and you like to feel you have the power of decision......
Or you could let people express themselves freely, and allow their heart chakras to vibrate in harmony with the great universe...should try yourself one of these days.......
Thanks for all your wonderful suggestions.
It makes my heart swell with pride to know that you care.
Comments are on so that folks can have a voice regarding the con artist known as Wanderingscribe.
Although she is not interested in what people say, there's a place here for reasoned debate.
Having said that, the peurile attempts to dilute this blog (and comments section) won't be tolerated so if it's waffley panty posts then it's out the jutting kitchen window with 'em.
As I'm such a caring person though, I have looked into your desires to waffle ad nauseum on totally unrelated topics and have found that something called "chat sites" exist on the interwebnet where you can indulge in such mindless frippery.
Go seek 'em out as I'm sure you'll find many like minded individuals.
Great big caring huggy wuggy hugsssssss.....
Your pal, Anya Peters
You are a little distracted, maybe even sleeping on duty.........
You refer yourself to the fact that Anya had been one month without giving her fans any news. Let's count out loud - from the 17th August till the 26th - it's 9 days. Are months getting shorter now?
Can I ask a question? Are people defending Wandering Scribe being deliberately stupid? Is it a lifestyle choice? Were they all dropped on their heads as children?
Honestly, it seems these people can barely read. August 17 to 26 is indeed nine days, July 17 to August 17 is, wait for...a month.
If only reasoned debate were possible!
You appear to have hit the nail on the head there.
So many Anya Sicko-fants seem incapable of logical reasoning and hence create their own truths and then try to convice everyone else of them.
Whereas I just print the facts.
Monday, July 17, 2006
My car has a mind of its own...
- - - - - - - - -
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Coming up for air
Anya Peters
Take the latest post by Anya (dated 26th August).
Fans eager for news after a whole month of silence will be relieved to hear that she wasn't involved in some horrific building collapse involving a jutting out kitchen but just went to Ireland to "escape the hideous heat".
I'm just quoting...No need for deep thoughts really, as the subject is so futile...
And dear, you missed this last entry on your printing report, the one you were referring to and that you are now trying to ignore...
Saturday,26 August,2007
Wandering Aengus, the Arran Islands, and cheese and onion Tayto crisps
Some of us may have fallen on the head when they were children but with no permanent injuries!...thanks for caring though.....
Reading comprehension 101:
I don't want to be patronising but the month of silence obviously refers to the period between july 17 and august 17. Her post on 17/8 said absolutely nothing, hence the reasons fans would be eager for news.
If I was to allow all the posts that the retarded Anya Fan makes then this comments section would serve as a very apt reminder about how deluded they are and how slim their grasp on all things "real worldly" are.
As it is, I am sparing my dear thousands of loyal readers from the drivel because, as it says on the main page, this is a Wanderingscribe bullshit free zone (and that includes by osmosis).
Great Big Care in The Community Hugggssss......
Ms Anya Peters
World famous Authoress & Ex Homeless Bum
Your thousands of loyal readers, fairies and giants included, will be by now used to your drivel so they won’t feel the difference…I'm afraid they are totally numb.
But in case some of them still can endure any sort of feelings towards this nonsense, you could help them by turning the comments OFF.......................
Thanks for your kind words of praise.
It is indeed an honourable task that I am undertaking and your support is welcome.
I'm not quite sure why you are so devoted to Wanderingscribe though, especially as you are based in Portugal but I guess you don't have many homeless people of your own and so have to "cyber-adopt" yet another fine British export.
Please feel free to deny the Portugal thing (it's almost de rigeur to do so) but your IP address of tells a great deal about you.
Mediterranean Hugsssss......
St Anya of The Laneways
Her book is advertised on amazon.co.uk as being available in paperback as well, I imagine they realise that no-one will want to shell out for a hardback version of this crap, apart from Anya's mum and dad of course (they will want to read about how they ruined her life by not giving her a pony). Also, it's interesting that this book is only available in the UK, the US amazon site (amazon.com) does not list the book.
Not exactly a worldwide splash then is it eh?
I'm guessing that the USA has their own homeless Bums and don't need to read about ours.
Pity, eh, because the Americans were the ones she seemed to have the least trouble fooling, mostly because they don't know about UK hospitals, email addresses, benefits system, and all the rest.
I bet she could be a big splash in Canada and Australia as well.
Sorry cannot tell you how it ends because I have never been able to finish reading ANY of Anya's postings.I rely on you to keep me informed.
Aww. Bless ya.
Fear not my ADD chum cus I am here, ever vigilant, ever ready (with a copper coloured top) to monitor the shenannigans of that lowlife scumbag.
Gort, where yeats Tower is, is hardly "Yeat’s tower, in almost the exact middle of Ireland", seeing as it's under 10 miles from Galway Bay. Guess the boarding school didn't major in geography.
Is the chest some irish town? Some tower? You people get me confused with so much information. I'm reading the Wanderingscribe blog and I'm still in February! Isn't there a limit on words by entry? I'm glad to know that she's slowing down otherwise I wouldn't ever be able to reach the last entry...probably she will write the book in one or two days, she may enjoy the free time to travel around.
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