Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Step in Time

As I was driving through London my car overheated. Sure enough, as foretold in the prophecies of Wanderingscribe, I glanced in the mirror and there, running down the street in ther hi-viz jackets were a lovable bunch of Cockney workmen. Before you could say "Knees up Mother Brown", they'd pushed my car to "The Mary Poppins Garage" where a fat jolly faced mechanic fixed it up lickety split, cleaned the windows, filled the tank and only charged me tuppence !! As I climbed back into my car and gave a cheery wave to the jolly faced mechanic, I noticed that the lovable Cockney workmen were following me down the street, doing a dance with their shovels..... Kick your knees up, step in time Never need a reason, Never need a rhyme Kick your knees up, step in time..... Gawd Blimey !!
Who'd ave adam and eve'd it !!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Anya is reminded of another interesting facet of her life that she thinks will be of interest to her fans .....

Saturday, July 15, 2006

I shall say zis onlee wonse !

A recent article by Spotlightradio highlighted Wanderingscribes blog. Spotlightradio appears to be a Christian organisation who post articles in "Specialised English", a special English method of broadcasting. This may come as a surprise to those of us who use English everyday and never knew there was a special way of speaking it. Apparently, you need to go on a course run by Officer Crabtree from "Allo Allo" who teaches you how to speak English correctly !?! I fear that if "Johnny Foreigner" thinks that all people in England speak like this, he'll be very much surprised when he lands in our fair shores for a holiday. The article about Wanderingscribe (available in mp3 format here ) will be appreciated by fans of Anya for many reasons, not the least of which is that the narrators speak slowly and leave nice big gaps so you can mull over the last sentence in your mind. Sadly though, the Spotlightradio researchers have a comprehension level on a par with a small piece of blue fluff you find in your belly button. They inform their listener that Anya covers how she lost her job in London (must be in the hidden part of her blog that no-one else has seen) and cherry picks at the comments left on the blog, telling how people offer help etc. No mention of the detractors of course and why not? Probably two reasons. 1. As it's a Christian site they'd want to accentuate the positive and "big up" the "fellowship of man" angle. 2. Anya has been systematically removing any of the comments that asked questions or raised doubts about the authenticity of her claims. On this blog, we have touched on the subject of Anya removing negative posts from the comments section of her blog before but this article by Spotlighradio highlights the fact that, if someone now researches her story, they'll find precious few detractors and will be given the impression that the whole world is wishing her well and are all firm believers in her story. Thank goodness this blog exists to provide a bit of balance. Not that the (ex) die hard Anya fans will be swayed the humble views offered by this blog. If they lapped up Anya's "wonderful and insightful" waffle then they are the ideal target audience for Spotlightradio and will rejoice in finding somewhere that provides "wonderful and insightful" narration to listen to as they do their basket weaving at the day centre.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Who's got the scoop ?

As many of you will be aware, Anya rarely posts any actual news on her blog these days, relying instead on the usual claptrap and arty farty bollocks to maintain the interest of her readers. In fact, things have got so bad on her site that even she herself has started to keep a careful eye on this very site to see what's going on. Don't believe me? Well, although Anya claims to have only popped over to visit once to see what the fuss was about, careful scrutiny of the IP's of all visitors means that I can pinpoint said visitors to quiet a high degree of accuracy. This site was also the first to break the news of the advanced sales of Anya's book (with acknowledgments to Third Eye) on Amazon before even Anya herself knew. In fact, she was forced to mention it on her own blog a few days later as a damage limitation exercise. My oh my, how that must have pained her that someone else had robbed her of the chance to post something solid on her site instead of the usual meaningless mumbo jumbo about crackers, trees or fairies. As I mentioned from the very first posts, this site is a Wanderingscribe Bullshit free zone and it's heartening that even Anya herself is keeping tabs on my humble "tribute" site to keep abreast of developments concerning her con. Stay tuned folks ........

Monday, July 03, 2006

Book? What book?

Can Anya ever make a single post without lying? I pose the question as today’s post by her claims that she hasn't even started writing it yet even though it's being advertised on Amazon. Hold on a mo though ....... So what exactly sparked a bidding war for the rights to her book if nothing existed? Are we to believe that those hard headed literary agents were so bowled over by the quality of writing on the wanderingscribe blog that they were fighting each other to sign her up without any scrap of evidence that she could do anything else apart from write about trees and fairies and blagging free car parking? Let's have a reality check here for a moment. We are led to believe that this poor frightened soul who shuns other people and has just recovered from a mental breakdown can suddenly land a big shot literary agent who then whips the publishing world into a bidding war frenzy for an unknown author who has absolutely nothing to demonstrate their writing skill apart from a blog? Someones 'avin a larf here. The more we see, the more we believe. That it's one big con.