Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Fact or Fiction?

The latest link on Anyas site is to yet another advert for her book, this time on the Waterstones site. However, eagle eyed viewers may notice a small but important difference between the details advertised on the Harper Collins site and the Waterstones one. Whilst the whole thrust of the advertising so far is that it is all true, Waterstones must have some doubts about the veracity of this claim as they have categorized the book as a work of fiction. Oh dear .... Are they privy to some info that the general public aren't? Or has Anya pushed her luck just a little too far in her efforts to get a book deal by any means? After all, the homeless blogger bit was stretching credibility, especially in her refusal to answer even the most basic of queries but the sudden emergence of the whole abandoned baby/abusive childhood elements may have raised suspicions a tad higher. Particularl;y as these fascinating elements weren't even mentioned until the ghost writer hired to beef up the story was brought on board. Not that he had previous form in bunging in these elements for books he had assisted on in the past. Oh wait .... he did. Hmmmm................


Anonymous said...

Something odd's going on here.

I was checking back on the earlier WS posts (there's a reason), and something didn't look quite right. Now, is it just me and my deeply suspicious nature, or was this passage -

"How I’ve been pretending all my life really, ever since I was that little girl sitting upstairs on the pink bed, trembling, waiting for the police to arrive. That little girl who is still there waiting for the hug she never got then, for someone to wrap her in their arms and whisper that it will all be okay, that one day the trembling will go — that little girl who refused to grow up until she got that, who was determined to stick her heels in until that damage was repaired — even if it meant ruining a whole life — even if it meant years and years later living in a car in the woods."

- not there a few weeks ago ? I seem to recall that there was absolutely no mention of the 'abused childhood' thing until the pre-publicity for the book.

Thoughts, anyone ?

wanderingScribe said...

No sirree bob !!
Absolutely no mention of abuse was mentioned on her blog previously.

Could they be hidden memories that were too painful to mention (until the book deal, obviously)?

Or are they the cynical manipulation of the blog as a marketing tool.
Well, you only have to look at all the links to see that.

The whole point of her blog was "Oh poor me, so homeless and without anyone to turn to.." (Let's quietly ignore the numerous offers of help, after all, she did).

Once she'd got the book deal she was hankering after and the publisher asked for "her story", I suspect there wasn't that much to look at in detail.
Ummm... homeless for 6 months and errr.. that's about it.

Cue the ghost writer and VOILA !!
All the juicy tit bits that Andrew Crofts is famous for bunging in his books suddenly happened to Anya

OH - MY - GOD !!

Could it be coincidence?
Could it be a marketing ploy to tart up an otherwise "non-story" about someone who was homeless for 6 months and now lives in a bedsit (and whose life is apparently no more interesting these days than when she (supposedly) lived in a car)?

Perhaps more tantalising excerpts will appear in her older posts to be seized upon as the publicity machine gathers speed prior to the book launch.

Or perhaps we are all just naive in the ways of book publishing and this kind of thing goes on all the time.

Just a shame for "Anya" that we caught her out so early in the con .....

Sherlock Holmes Stylee Hugsss...

Wandering Scribe

wanderingScribe said...

I have checked the backups that I keep of her posts (I take my duties seriously dont'cha know) and the passage is indeed genuine and was part of a long dribbling self pitying post on April 15th entitled "My voice has found me again ".

Although I tried to read it in its entirety, I was losing the will to keep my heart beating as I did so, such was the introspective waffle.

How could anybody doubt that she was in serious need of professional help?!?

As I mentioned earlier, this blog serves as a balance and I like to check all the facts so that people can be sure they are getting "The Truth" as it is and not "The Truth" as Anya would like to portray it.

Great big sincere hugsss.....
Bedsit Anya

Anonymous said...

So, the passage is pukka... but has either been copied (word for word, as in a cut & paste) to another entry, or repeated. Hm. Something odd going on here.