Thursday, June 08, 2006

Where is she now?

The Sick-fantics must be beside themselves with grief now that Anya has moved into her bedsit and is too busy to update her blog. In fact, she's even too busy to moderate her comments and approve all the wishes of good luck etc. that are surely backing up. But what is the exact reason for abandoning her fans? Could it be that she has finally got her hands on some cash (I mean even more than she conned people out of via Paypal) and is now spending all her time getting sloshed with her new found literary pals? Or, by some quirk of fate, did she move into a nice quiet bedsit for only a few days before the Police came charging in at 4AM and shot her neighbours and she's still held in a Police Station under Anti-Terrorist laws? Or is it merely that the blog has served it's purpose and now that she has the book deal, she just can't be arsed communicating with the simple minded riff raff that put her where she is today (until it's time for some promotional work)? But where is she? Where has fate (and the angels, fairies and of course, the prized book deal) placed her? Last we saw, it was sharing a bedsit with some loud Drum and Bass fans. Ahh. the high life of those literary genius's eh ...................


Anonymous said...

She's probably trying to figure out what percentage of her profits she will donate to Shelter, as she is very keen to use her new found status to help other homeless people.


wanderingScribe said...

How very cynical.
I personally believe she is hard at work spending every last penny of that advance so that when it runs out, she can go back to the car and bask in the glory of her adoring fans.

They'd love nothing better than for "life" to deal her another cruel blow (pissing the money up the wall) and for her to become their "heroine of the laneway" once more.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how petty you are. Why are you doing this? What have I ever done to you? Are you jealous of me simply because I've pulled myself out of adversity, and got myself back on my feet? This blog of yours reeks of envy and bitterness. Sorry if my getting a book deal bothers you, you obviously have nothing to look forward to in your pathetic and empty life. Maybe you should go out and make some new friends, and maybe, just maybe, you might actually meet someone special to share your life with, although I highly doubt it, instead of wasting all the hours of the day trying to drag me down, and then going to your lonely single bed and crying yourself to sleep.


Anonymous said...

I think, "Wandering Scribe," the reason this blog exists is because your blog did not ring true (past tense, you've obviously finished with it) and you have ignored legitmate queries about it. IMHO you were maybe homeless once upon a time, but not when writing the blog.
This means there was no justification for you accepting money from strangers who were trying to help what they thought was a homeless person.
Even if you have been homeless in your life, it does not give you the right to act like a crook and a fraud.
Of course, if you explain away your email address, the odd posting times, the refusal to seek professional help, the benefits you received despite not having a bank account etc etc, we might all take you, and your thick fans, more seriously.
And speaking of your fans - you have treated them deplorably. They have spent weeks supporting you, giving you money, doing their best to help you out of your "crisis." So when you finally line up a place to live, what do you do? Wait a couple of days before posting anything. Why?
It's like your dimwitted interview with the blogging times. You talk about how there are some incidents you don't write about because you don't want to worry your fans - then you tell the interviewer about it anyway.
Sorry this is such a long post but I would like to say just one more thing: Wandering Scribe is full of shit.

wanderingScribe said...

Yet more blah blah "can't say anything just yet because of (insert excuse for today) but I will soon ...."

I'm beginning to think it's some AI machine just programmed with various female traits and set to automatically post a blog entry at random times.
Surely no real person could be that vacuous and vapid could they?

Wobblingscruffbag said...

Surely no real person could be that vacuous and vapid could they?

You obviously never met Fat Boy Roy.

LeOna said...

You came to my blog and thought I had visited your site because of a letter I had posted. I apologize if you think I took it from you. I actually got it from a support group site I go to (Fertile Thoughts)

wanderingScribe said...

No probs Leona.
It's a big wide internet out there and there's room for plenty.