Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Wanderingscribe Abridged (2)

I have recieved thousands of emails from people grateful for the first abridged version of Wanderingscribes tedious blog and so offer up the second summary. For the benefit of new readers, I have taken out the introspective 6th form angst riddled clap trap and just present the facts in order that you can quickly get up to speed on what this site is all about. Part one covered events up to the end of May and here's part two. Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin ............ June 9 - My neck hurts June 25 - Turned off all comments completely. June 26 - Unpacked. Ate some melon. Opened and closed a desk drawer a few times (seriously) And that's it to date. I'm sure you'll agree it's a piss poor effort but by the time all the waffle is taken out, that's all there is. Perhaps she has a part time job making sandwiches in those crummy back street shops where it's all bread and no meat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying your take on the whole saga.
Keep up the entertainment.