A Cafe somewhere in London.
Two women sit hunched over cups of steaming foaming coffee's.
The steam tendrils dance like wafty steamy things in the air between them.
Agent: I'm pleased to say that I have found some publishers who may be willing to publish a book by you.
Homeless Bum: That's good news because I have a novel half finished already.
Agent: Yeah that's great but we'd like the book to be about your life story. You know, your upbringing, the pain you've suffered as a child, the abuse etc.
Homeless Bum: But I wasn't abused as a child.
Agent: Oh come on now, Abuse takes many forms. It could be someone looking at you funny or some creepy person that you don't feel comfortable around. There must have been people like that in your life.
Homeless Bum: Not really. I had a privileged upbringing and a good education. It wasn't till I made some bad choices later in life that I became homeless through my own inadequacies.
Agent: Are you sure because the "misery memoir" market is very hot at the moment.
Homeless Bum: Quite sure. But my novel is half finished and I'm sure it will be very popular.
Agent: Listen Sweety, no one is interested in yet another novel from an unknown author, Do you realise how many hundreds of novels get published every month? You are on the map because you are a victim. People will want to read about you being a victim. Are you sure you weren't abused?
Homeless Bum: Yes, quite sure.
Agent: That's a pity then as I can't really see much interest in any book. Are you absolutely positive that you weren't kiddie fiddled?
Homeless Bum: Well...... now you mention it, it's all coming back to me now.
Agent: Excellent. I'll knock up a few bullet points and let the publishers know that there's lots of competition for your human interest story. That should get 'em vying against each other which will push up the amount we can claim as an advance.
Homeless Bum: Really? Gosh. But my blog never mentioned any abuse.
Agent: That's probably because you had blocked it out whilst you were homeless but now you are getting yourself together, you can tell the world the whole story. Right?
Homeless Bum: Ummm.... yeah. Actually it's all coming back to me now. There were quite a few incidents where I was abused.
Agent: That's the ticket, Sweety. You get busy jotting down a few rough notes and we'll get a ghost writer to flesh the thing out to a few hundred pages. I'll get busy with my contacts. I've a feeling this will be very lucrative for both of us ..........